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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Kyle is doing great, his counts are still low, but no more fevers!

Sean's ingrown toenail was removed, it was huge! Poor baby!

I am in the hospital now! I have an infection in my leg. Just out of no where! Sheesh! It seems that someone always has to be in the hospital with Kyle! He is on the 7th floor and I am on the 14th. I have been in for 24hrs. My fevers were getting worse and so was I. I was feeling horrible! Very ill, but they have finally changed my antibiotics and I think they are finally working because I am starting to feel a little better. I am still in a lot of pain though.


I will keep you posted. I'm tired now. Keep praying. Thanks, Kat


Re: 7-27-07 KYLE UPDATE

wanted to say hi and to let you guys know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. hang in there, i know easier said than done, but you all seem to pull it off at every turn keep looking to the light at the end of the tunnel.

ttyl, greg, haley and greg jr.
