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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Kyle counts are begining to rise!!!!!!!! His ANC (immune function) was at 300 today, which means he could easily go home tomorrow! (Needs only to be at 500) No guarantee, but it's possible! Sometimes it begins to jumb from here, sometimes it crawls, but either way we're looking at being able to leave within a 1 to 3 days (my guess)!!!

Hip Hip Hooray! To all our prayer warriors who have praying for Kyle's counts to come up, we thank you so much for you dilligence!

OK, I've been released from the hospital. With a little wheeling and dealing, they let me go! I'm still in quite a bit of pain but I can deal with that.

I'm still not sure if Kyle will make camp on the 30th, or how we're all going to make it out to MN by the 6th, please pray that God will provide for these roadblocks. We have many issues to deal with this time around, no grandparents to help out also means no car and me not being able to spend time with Kyle during his work up week, etc etc etc. We have placed ads in local University sites etc for a student nanny and have not recvd a response yet. I'm hoping that everything is going to come together at the last minute, but we're almost there and nothing has come together yet. We will not lose faith, God WILL provide for us, we will keep praying and ask you to join us in prayer that this will all work out for our Minnesota trip and all the logistics and all.

Thank you, as always, we hope God is blessing you as richly as he is blessing us.


Katrina and Jerry Wetle
And Crew Sean, Bailey, Brooke, Kyle, Jake, Luke
