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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Well, I'm back in the hospital again! It looks like Kyle may get out before me!!! Can you believe that??!!
I spent a miserable night of fevers, vomiting, and pain,,,,no sleep either. I'm exauhsted!!

I guess the antibiotics they sent me home with weren't the right kind on top of that, I was allergic to them! So I'm covered in a rash on my legs and back and my fevers and everything came back. Miserable! But, I'm back in and back onto the antibiotics that worked the second time around, so I should be feeling beeter very soon. yeah!!

Jerry is up here caring for all of us...especially me. I need a little TLC right now. I'm sure getting it!!

Kyle's counts continue to rise and he should be able to go home tomorrow! I wont! Yikes! Strange! So we're scratching camp. boo hooo hooo! Just not enough time to go and get back and get packed for MN by the 5th!! We're running out of time and still don't know how we're getting there!!! God will provide!!!!!

Our love and prayers and thanks to you all!

Kat and Crew...

Jerry, Sean, Bailey, Brooke, Kyle, Jake, and Luke...Chemo too!!!!
