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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Kyle has taken a turn for the worse. He is very ill. They added a new chemo today, to the others, and it sent him over the edge. Please pray for him, he has 2 full days of this new chemo to endure. He has already expressed his desire to stop everything now. I am lovingly encouraging him to continue on and he is, so far.

We just need you to continue your prayers for him as he suffers through the hardest parts of the prep for transplant. There are 3 days until transplant and we are busy killing off everything inside his body right now. All trace of any cells and immune system.

On a lighter note, Sean's Birthday is coming up on the 29th! We are trying in the midst of everything to plan a party for him. *sigh* It's difficult, but not impossible! He has some friends that are still here from our last visit and is excited to see them again!

They will make up the party clan and so a party there will be! He wants to have it at the indoor water park here, but we'll see if finances allow. He deserves to have a great party, he's such a great kid and it IS his 16th Birthday!

My Aunt is giving him her old car (Honda Accord), so he's very excited about that! But, he wont see it until we get back from MN. Ah well, he can wait.

He is in the process of getting his driver's permit...Yikes! He's been practicing with me and doing a really good job! We go out to the mall parking lot after hours and he drives around there or to the harbor parking lot after hours when there are no cars around. Where ever he can practice. He enjoys it and I hold on! No, really he does ok. tee hee hee

Well, I should get back to Kyle, he's due to get sick again. Pray, Pray, Pray. Thank you so much!

Love in Him,

Katrina and the crew


Re: 8-19-07 KYLE UPDATE

We would love it if you could find the time to send Sean a Birthday card! His address is:

Sean Jackson-Wetle
621 Oak Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to do this, it would mean so much to him! So many times as a sibling to a cancer patient, he gets slighted. He is a very important part of Kyle's team and it takes constant reminder to this teenage boy to let him know how important he really is to all of us!
