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OK, He did just fine.

Sorry I didn't post last night, I was beat!

They gave him Benadryl before as a pre-med and he fell asleep and ended up sleeping through the whole transfusion! It was sweet. The Chaplain came in and we did the blessing early, Kyle was awake for that and he quoted John 3:16 for us. We prayed over him and the Chaplain did the blessing and we shared the blessings with the holy oil. It was wonderful.

The transplant lasted only a half hour, they transfused both bags back to back at bedside. The were different blood types, one was O+ and one was A-. So that means that one will win out at some point and he will be one blood type or the other.

We will not know until day #21 when we do a bone marrow biopsy whether the engraftment is taking or not. Then we wait. We wait to see if he relapses. UGH! I hate that part. He will be discharged as soon as his counts are high enough to permit him to protect himself in the outside world. He will then come back daily as an outpatient for blood products and immune boosting meds until he begins to make enough on his own. It wasn't long last time until he began the process himself.

I will be leaving to pick up the rest of the kids on the 25th. Our great friend Sue will be staying with Kyle for a couple of days while I go and volunteers from the hospital will also be filling in in my abscence. He is excited that I am going to pick up Sean! He misses his brothers desperately! He misses Chemo especially, but cannot see him, as this hospital will not allow it like UCSF did. It's sad.

He has dropped off on his eating and they have started a calorie count of all he eats today. They will begin feeding him through his central line I think tomorrow, since he probably wont eat enough today. We'll see. The stuff they feed him is very hard on his liver, so I'm going to try hard to find something for him to eat that he wants! I'll go anywhere!!

Kyle's Dad Tony is coming to visit for the 3rd time in the 5 years since Kyle has been battling. Kyle is a bit nervous on top of all else he is dealing with. Please pray for Tony, he has choosen for some reason not to call or write Kyle through the years and this makes Kyle sad. There is no relationship there and prayer could help break this barrier. Maybe this visit could help break that wall and Tony could have a change of heart and begin to build the much needed bond with his sons. Pray, Pray, Pray!

Thanks for all you do! You know we couldn't have managed this far without the recharge of our batteries from all of your prayers and support! Please drop us an email once in awhile, your kind words and encouragement seem to always come at just the right time! God Bless you and yours!

Hugs and Prayers,

Katrina and the crew
