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09-05-07 KYLE UPDATE

Well, Kyle has taken a turn for the worse.

He is retaining fluid in large amounts and it is moving into his lungs and making it hard for him to breathe. As he was gasping for breath last night, they put him on oxygen and gave him a breathing treatment. They also increased his diaretics and all seemed to bring him a little comfort.

He is hanging in there, he is still in a lot of pain and they keep increasing his pain meds, but nothing seems to be working very well.

He sleeps most of the time and when he wakes up it is just to use the bathroom and ask for a back rub. It's hard to bathe him and do dressing changes and throat cultures because he sleeps so much. I'm glad he's resting but he just lays there and moans becuase he is so uncomfortable.

Please continue to pray for him, he is so miserable right now. His sores are all in his mouth and down his thoat. It hurts so much to throw up and to swallow. His tummy hurts too because they go down into his tummy too.

He continues to have fevers too. I can not get any glyconutrients into him which would cure up all of this nasty stuff. It's just impossible right now. We're in the thick of it and he's not out of the woods yet.

The fevers are worrying, he's on all sorts of antibiotics and they are not touching the fevers. We could lose him over an infection and that was the fear going into this transplant. They were afraid he may not make it through this because of infection and here we are. Fighting the unknown to no avail. Please pray we can target this infection and get it treated before it takes over and takes our little Kyle away before the transplant has a chance to take over.

Sean had a very special birthday thanks to all of you! The visit with his dad went well except Sean was very disappointed that Tony didn't show up for his birthday party. It took some time for Sean to get over that.

They did end up finally going to the fair though and had a lot of fun. It was a short visit and hopefully there will be more sooner than years apart as before. Kyle only spent about 20 minutes with his dad as he slept most of the time. Sad. Your prayers are working though, he's been sending cards to Kyle ever since you started praying!!!!

So, lots to pray about this week. I'll leave you to it and as always, I'll keep you updated.
