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Kyle has gotten worse.

The fluid he is retaining is creating all sorts of complications. It has taken over his abdomen and is strangling his organs. It has already killed off his gall bladder and is working on his kidneys and liver. He is currently in surgery to have his gall bladder removed which will introduce infection into his blood stream and create high risk for him.

The will also be placing a tube in his side to drain the fluid and set him up for dialysis. He will be starting dialysis after surgery to help remove the fluid that keeps accumulating there.

His lungs couldn't take it anymore so they had to put him on a ventilator. He now has a tube down his throat into his lungs that breathes for him. So, he can't talk anymore and is heavily sedated. He no longer knows what's going on around him. I guess this is a good thing. He also has a cathetar for using the bathroom. The sad thing is if he has to poo, he just has to do it on the bed and they clean him up after. I feel so badly for him. He would be humiliated if he knew this was occuring.

There are so many more bad things that are too technical to explain to you, just pray like you've never prayed for Kyle before. He's doing really bad, worse than ever before and his life hangs in the balance. This is it. He either makes it or he doesn't, there's no way to know right now.

I will know more when he gets out of surgery. THey will be able to tell me more when they have been able to see his insides and the damage that is there or not there. THen, we wait. We wait for Kyle to respond or not. We wait for infection or not. We wait for this to work or not. We wait for God to hear our prayers and answer them in his timing with His will, not ours. It may be God's will that it is Kyle's time to go. It may not. We just don't know.

I will keep you posted as I know. If you don't hear from me, it means there has been no change yet. I will post as soon as something changes. Good or bad, you will hear from me, I promise.

Our love to you all. I wish you were here with me, I'm here alone and it's tough with no support. I need some comfort right now. I need you. Pray for me too.


Re: 9-7-07 KYLE UPDATE

Kyle made it through surgery ok. The next few days will tell us more.
