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Praise the Lord!

Kyle is doing better! You can't tell by looking at him, he still has tubes coming out of everywhere and is still sedated. He's still on the ventilator breathing for him, but his fevers are breaking and his labs are looking good!

The Drs said he is looking better and his labs look better! Our prayers are working! The fluid is coming off of his abdomin slowly and relieving the pressure off of his liver, kidneys, and lungs. The couldn't tell me how long until he could breathe on his own, but they guessed a ballpark of about a week. Sounds good to me.

They will keep him sedated the whole time he is on the ventilator. I opened up and read all of his mail to him today. I don't know if he heard it, but it made me feel better to do it. I described and read to him all of your cards and then hung them on the walls. He stirred around while I described the puppies and butterflies, etc. So maybe he can hear me!

He continues to be in ICU, but around the clock nursing and montitoring is what he needs right now and it makes me feel better too.

Sean wont go to the hospital and see his brother, it upsets him too much. He doesn't want to see him with all the tubes coming out from everywhere like he is right now. I don't blame him, it's hard to see him like this, even for me!

God answered my prayers today, our friend Sue showed up out of nowhere and brought lots of hugs for me! I needed them so much! Just what the Dr ordered for me! I was so happy to see her!!! She gave me enough "MOM" hugs to last me a week! Exactly what I was needing and God knew it! He always provides for me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it! PTL!

My mom is doing much better, she says she is feeling "Great"! Thank you for all of your prayers for her, they worked as usual! All of our prayer warriors are a force to be reckoned with!

Jerry is torn, he wants to come here so badly, but I'm begging him to stay and work because we need the money so badly! He's fit to be tied and so stressed about not being able to be here with Kyle and I. Poor guy, I couldn't imagine!

The babies are being well cared for with the nanny that my mom hired. They are at my mom's house now full time. They are growing so fast and I'm missing it. I miss them so much and this just adds to my stress. *sigh* I pray for them daily, for their safety and for me for missing them less, if that's possible!

Thank you for praying, as usual, you've come through for us! Kyle is stable and I know it's due to our prayers! You're all so kind to take time out of your busy lives to pray for our little Kyle! You're so appreciated! I'll keep you updated as things progress. So far so good. Let's hope he continues on this course! I think he will, don't you?!!!


Kyle's mom
and family


Re: 9-8-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
All I can do is sing the song, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..." We are rejoicing that Kyle is doing better and that a friend visited you today...God is faithful.
We spent the day with my 96-year-old great aunt in Wisconsin. We missed her birthday party earlier this summer because of Art's health, but she is so dear, we really wanted the time with her.
Know we pray throughout the day for you and Kyle...and your family...try to get rest, Katrina. I know that's easier said than done, but do try. :-)
Our hearts are filled with thankfulness for Kyle's rebound.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art


Re: 9-8-07 KYLE UPDATE

I am praying that he continues to fight this and that he completely recovers from this nasty disease. I am counting on it. Praise the Lord for sending Sue to Katrina. I am sure she gave her hugs from all of us. Hang in there!!!!