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There's not much to report. Kyle is pretty much the same. Holding his own. He continues to flirt with fevers and continues to drain fluid off of his abdomin which is worriesom. The Drs aren't sure why this is and are worried about it.

They have started him on dialysis and it is going fine. He is still on the venthillator, but they have turned it down 3 times! They still can not give me a time line as to how long he will be on it.

His liver and kidney functions are ok, not great, but ok. His labs are coming up and that's a good thing.

He's a fighter! He's fighting now and I'm so proud of him! Even as he sleeps, he fights. He is well sedated and he still fights the nurses when they mess with him! He's fisty! I love that about him! It's what makes him a survivor!!!

I did find a way to get him back on his glyconutrients, so we've just started back. I'm so excited that now his quality of life will improve! We inject them into his stomach through a tube and it works perfectly! I can now sleep well at night knowing that he's getting them again!

As I said, there's not much change, but there will be, God is healing him as we speak, I just know it! I have faith! I will keep you posted as things progress. Keep up the prayers and thank you for being so gracious!


Kyle's Smiles
we miss them so


Re: 9-10-07 KYLE UPDATE

Thanks to a donation from our friend Dave Holloway, I will be making a trip home to visit Jerry and my babies!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see them! Tony will be coming for another visit and I will be taking that opportunity to go home for a quick visit. Long enough to get my baby fix! I miss my twins and my husband so desperately! Thanks to all of you for your donations to us. You always come through for us when we need you! Anyone who would like to donate airline miles, we are in desperate need of them!
