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So Happy Katrina is coming to visit!

The Twins and I will be picking Katrina up at the airport tonight and boy are they going to be excited to see her!! We have loved having them and watching them grow (and Luke walk and Jake sometimes!) But they miss their mommy! So sad to have the family divided up like this, we will soon have our precious Kyle home and laughing again soon and then Katrina will have her family back together!!!!
We are looking into child care in MN for the twins so that Katrina can have her babies close yet be there for Kyle, so if anyone out there knows of licensed and bonded and not astronomically expensive child care please let us know.
I work full time and we have juggled between myself, my brother from Redding CA, Katrina's brother Dustan and a sitter (which ended up being way too expensive) and have now found a good day care. But it is a distant replacement for having their own mom!
We thought if we could find excellent and reliable care for the twins in MN, then Katrina could possibly bring them back with her this week? Or??? Think about it, Pray about it and we will see what the Lord has planned for these precious bundles of joy!!!
In the meantime we are anxiously awaiting Katrina's arrival tonight; we miss her and the boys so much and can't wait for them to all to be able to come home healthy and strong for good!!!!
Thank you all for your prayers, your help and your mail, the support has been so wonderful; we love you all and want you to know that it is because of you and your prayers that keep us going!! We do have a mighty God, Thank you for helping to keeping us focused!!!
