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10-08-07 KYLE UPDATE

Please pray for Kyle, he has developed some issues. He has contracted a virus that causes his bladder to have painful spasms and creates much blood in his urine. So much so that they had to give him red blood cells and platelets today in clinic. He was so pale and in so much pain. I feel so badly for him, poor baby.

They are working on the problems, but he needs lots of prayer. They were going to admit him back into the hospital to stabilize him, but I talked them out of it. I think he does better and responds better out. So, they gave him blood products and will increase his fluids IV during the day to flush his bladder. I will be in charge of all of this. Nurse Katrina at your service. I deserve an honorary doctorate by now! I am in charge of all of his home care, pumps, dressing changes, meds, and all! Sometimes I wish I could just be mom. But he wouldn't have it any other way.

I will keep you posted as this progresses, just keep praying hard, he needs it right now badly. Thank you so much, it makes me feel much better knowing you all are out there supporting us!

Love, me


Re: 10-08-07 KYLE UPDATE

Deear Katrina,
How tired both you and Kyle must be. We will pray...for healing, for rest, for restoration...
Hugs from both of us.
love and prayers,
Jan and Art
God is faithful, and His love is forever.
