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So, Kyle has gotten worse and is being admitted into the hospital. He is passing large clots and lots of blood and his bladder is spasming all causing him loads of pain. Apparently this is a virus brought on by chemo. It will pass on it's own, in its own time. In the meantime, Kyle is miserable and getting no sleep. Poor baby!

Please keep him in your prayers, he really needs them right now. He is so painful and uncomfortable right now. They are admitting him to try to stablilize him. Just for a couple of days they said. Much better for me, I'm getting no sleep along with Kyle, Sean and I have been up with him, waiting on him hand and foot, trying to make him more comfortable, to no avail. The nurses and the IV pain meds will do him much better I think and I will finally be able to rest knowing he is in good hands. I just felt useless to him the way it was, so I am grateful that they are deciding to admit him now.

He has lost so much blood through his urine that they have to keep replacing it. This poor kid is just going through it right now!!!!

I know his prayer warriors will come through for him and he's a trooper, so we will come out the other side of this ok, soon! I already feel better now that I know he is being admitted and tonight he will be able to rest comfortably, I hope. *sigh*

I hope this does not hold up our plans to go home on Nov 10th! This was the only date we could get tickets for the miles we are using to get home! We'll be stuck here if we can't leave on that date! Oh God, please watch over us!

I will keep you posted as always. Thank you so much in advance for your extra vigilence! (sp?)

Love and Prayers,

Kat One exhausted Mom


Re: 10-9-07 KYLE UPDATE

Its worse than we thought, I'll explain more later, but please pray hard!!!!!!!!!