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10-28-07 KYLE UPDATE

They drained the fluid off of his heart and it was quite a bit. They also missed and accidently entered his heart with the needle, so he has to stay in ICU for 24hr observation.

He will be going back to his room this afternoon if all goes well and it should. His blood cultures grew out positive which means he has an infection in his blood. They have not gotten back the results saying which antibiotics work on this bacteria yet, those will take another day or so. SO, they have him on a wide array of strong antibiotics to help cover until they are able to narrow it down.

He went another night without a clot in his bladder, Praise the Lord!!!!!!! 2 full days and nights in a row without that excrutiating pain to deal with! Thank God, I couldn't have handled it one more time, I don't think!!!! We'll see what happens and if he continues to improve. It's scarey because his bladder is still bleeding so he is still at a great risk for clotting. Pray!

His fevers have come down some, but he did get one last night again. Maybe the antibiotics are starting to work on their own.

This is also a hard place to be in with this blood infection becuase, his central line (heart cathetar) is in jeopardy of being infected too. He may need to have it removed and replaced! UGH!!!

It's not looking like we're going to be able to leave by the 10th, at this point, it would literally take an act of God to get us out of here by then! We'll see what God has in store for us, I have no idea. I also have no idea how we would get home if we don't get to use our current airline tickets because we cant change them!!!!!!!!!!!

Just continue your wonderful praying and we'll get through this in God's timing and He will get us home safe and sound when it's time. Easier said than done! HA!! I am struggling with faith as you can see, I'm a work in progress I guess you could say! I won't give up though, I haven't come this far to just give up now!!!

Poor little Kyle has tubes coming out of him everywhere now and his heart continues to drain large amounts of fluid from who knows where, but at least it's not building up now. His bladder continues to be irragated too and his feeding tube was changed to the other side of his face/nostril to keep from irratation. They also put in a more flexible tube this time to aid in comfort. He hates it all. But, he's a trooper. They have him on Vallium now, his anxiety level was building and causing him extra pain. This all stemmed around the painful clots, so he's much more relaxed now.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll let you know when things change or when I get more information. Keep up the great work and we will too! Love, Kyle's mom


Re: 10-28-07 KYLE UPDATE

He's back in his room and out of ICU. All is the same. I will keep you posted.


Re: 10-28-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Kat and Kyle,
You fill our hearts and minds. We have asked others to pray...everytime I find a listening ear, I ask.
We thank God for each victory, no matter how minor, and we continue to pray for miracles. We also pray that God will not waste your suffering and heartache, but that somehow, like with the Joseph in Genesis, God will turn this into blessing and glory. Only God could do that.
We love you.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art


Re: 10-28-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Kat,
We continue to hope and pray. Give eachother hugs for us. You are dear, and we care.
Entrusting you to God's care.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
Lamentations 3:19-26
