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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Jerry is here!!!! Yippee! I needed him so desperately! I feel so much better now and Kyle lit up! They spent the day building legos together, it's so sweet! Usually Kyle sleeps all day. It's so nice to see him playing again with some light in his eyes! He just needed Daddy too!

His fevers have subsided again and they have removed the drain to his heart...finally, progress!!!!!

They had to turn back on the irragation to his bladder again. But oh well.

Boy do we miss the babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't tell you how difficult this is for us to be away from them for so long!

Please pray for a miracle and going home on the 10th! I'll keep you posted!


Re: 11-4-07 KYLE UPDATE

P.S. Jerry's flight was made possible from donations to Kyle's Fund! Thank you so much to all of you who care enough to send us financial help and say an extra prayer for us!!!!!!!!


Re: 11-4-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina, Jerry, and Kyle,
What joy to hear that you three (and Sean too, I imagine) are together and you, Kyle and Jerry, are playing together. We are so thankful the fevers have passed, and that you, Kyle, are feeling more lively. We continue to pray for health for all and for your entire family to be reunited. God is faithful, and He loves you. Trusting His love...with
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
