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11-17-07 KYLE UPDATE

Kyle continues to be on a form of life support and in ICU, but he is more aware of his surroundings now.

His blood pressure will not stabilize, and we continue to deal with bladder spazms and clots. It's tiring and getting old. It's so hard to watch him go through all of this at his young age. But we know he's got to pull through this all sometime!

We ran down to TN to pick up the twins! We had to, Holly is about to have her baby and Mimi and Papa need to be with her and can not keep the babies too, so we had no choice but to bring them to MN to the Ronald McDonald House. We will manage all ok. God always provides for us, financially and for sanity!

My mom came to visit too, with Jody (my sister-in-law) and baby Riley (my nephew) who is only 2 months old and getting so big! He weighs 16 lbs already!!

It's so good to have family here! My mom has been taking such good care of Kyle while I went to pick up the babies! Thank God for her! And Jody has been doing a great job entertaining and distracting Sean!!

I'll continue to keep you posted! Love to you all!
Kyle's grateful mom


Re: 11-17-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
I smiled when I read about your returning to MN with the busy you must be, but maybe the twins are just what Kyle will need to begin smiling again...when he is well enough, of course, for the twins to come to the hospital. We pray and hope and trust God's love...
Holding you in our hearts,
With love and prayers,
Jan and Art
