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Kyle is fighting! He is starting to show very minimal signs of improvement!!! The Drs said today that they are cautiously opptomistic! We'll take it! I knew last night that he was getting better when I was rubbing his head and he told me (mouthed the word) to "STOP"! I knew right then he was doing better! Then the drs just confirmed it today.

I am afraid to get my hopes up, becuase Kyle is still so critically ill and can go downhill so fast at the drop of a hat, but boy is it nice to get good news for a change!

His left kidney has stopped working and the Drs don't think it is going to ever work again. His right kidney seems to be begining to pick up the slack, so he may not need it.

More good news, they will not need to do dialysis as of now. We will reasses this everyday, but the drs think he's doing just fine without it for now. His blood pressures are coming up too! He is getting less and less blood pressure medecines everyday and this is a good sign on the infection front too.

His glyconutrients are definately doing their job, you can see that on his counts, his white counts are high, so he is able to fight this infection on his own. Possibly the only thing that is saving his life right now! Besides our mighty prayer warriors!

I have had the Healing Hands network and Chaplains coming around the clock to lay hands on Kyle and pray with him. We've also had family and friends like my Aunt Tiane and Uncle Charlie and Jan Skague and her friend Carol all coming to pray with Kyle. And our ever faithful Sue Lewis comes and prays with Kyle too and gives me lots of hugs she calls "Mom hugs". She's a welcome replacement for my mom, since she can't be here right now! She's been such a blessing to us.

Sue Lewis was the one we stayed with when we first got to MN and she is also letting us use her car! She's been such a blessing to us, we appreciate her and her family so very much!!

We appreciate all of you for your prayers and support, we couldn't have made it this far without you all. Each and every one of you have been a vital part of this battle and we need you! Thank you for standing by us in our time of need and always being so faithful to us. Your financial support continues to bring us through the difficult times and your personal emails of love and support carry me through the hard times too. We love you all. Keep up the great work, I'll keep you posted as always! God bless you and yours, Kyle's mom


Re: 12-2-07 KYLE UPDATE

Praise GOD!!! He is faithful!! We will continue praying for you all!! God bless!


Re: 12-2-07 KYLE UPDATE

How Great is our God!!! Katrina, I am so happy that you are being surrounded in positive prayer and personal support! My heart is there and My prayers continue!!! Kendall and I stand two in His name in continual prayer and are praising God for ALL of Kyle's mighty prayer warriors! I am so greatful that Jerry was able to make it back, I understand the financial stress this puts on the family, but standing by you and the boys side is so important right now. God will provide the rest as he knits together this families strength and healing. I love you all and believe God's words as he encourages us as he tells us in Isaiah,44:6 (I am!)..8 "Fear ye not,be not afraid Jeremiah 23:23, "I am a God at hand , not a God afar off"
This journey has not been an easy one Katrina, by any means, but I thank you for being there and for Jerry being there to support you all. Sean I love you, miss you, and want you to remember whether I am here or there I love you all the same!
God Bless you all as we watch as He reveals His perfect plan and pray that it includes a large dose of mercy for all!!
Love Kisses and Oceans of Prayers,


Re: 12-2-07 KYLE UPDATE

What joy to read the great news. We are thrilled and celebrate with you the improvement in Kyle. We continue to pray and hope...trusting always God's power, love, and heart.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art Skauge
