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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Kyle is in surgery right now. He had fluid build up around his heart and they have to tap his heart to drain it off. He will also have to start dialysis tomorrow. It's going to be dangerous, but we have to do it, because one barely working kidney is not enough to clean his blood right now and it's our only choice.

Last time they tapped his heart, they missed and poked his heart with the needle. I hope they don't miss this time! They said they were going to go slower this time. I wish they would have gone slower last time!!

They're just about to start and I'm nervous, so I thought I'd come and write to you guys to calm down a bit.

Keep him in your prayers, I know you will, you always do. Right now and tomorrow are big days and lots of prayer is needed to keep him safe.

We are very worried about his blood pressure during dialysis tomorrow. Its a very scary thing and I'm worried. But, God is in control, so I know Kyle will be ok.

We lifted the DNR (Do Not Resecitate) order for now. He is doing a bit better and we want to give him all the chances he has while he can. We will place it back if he starts to go downhill again.

Thank you for being there for me. For us. I'll keep you posted as things progress. I'll try to post tonight after his surgery or tomorrow for sure after dialysis.


Re: 12-3-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Everyone,

Hi guys it's me Brooke! How is Kyle doing? I herd he is getting surgery!!! I wish I can see Kyle soon! I love you and miss you all so much! Tell Kyle I will give him lots of LOVE!!!! I hope Kyle fells better and I wish I can see you all soon!!! I love you and miss you all so much! I G2G!!! I wil talk to you l8er! Bye!!!


P.S How is the twins doing? I love them and miss them! Bye!!!
