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Kyle came through dialysis just fine!!! He had no side effects and was great! Now his blood is clean and he has even better chances at beating what was trying to beat him!

They are even talking about graduating towards working him off of the ventilator! WOW! That's a huge difference from, "call the family", a few days ago! PTL!

It's a miracle and we just can't thank you all enough for all the prayers and support! Kyle has a long way to go, but he's doing great today! The Dr said he will have good days and bad days and today is a great day!

As soon as I get a free moment, I will update the boys wish list for this year. It's pretty old and I haven't updated it in quite some time. Sorry about that. A lot of you have asked and I haven't had time to get to it. In the meantime, gift cards from Toys r us, Walmart, Target, and Game Stop are the best gifts I can suggest for Sean and Kyle. The babies are in size 18-24mo matching clothes and age appropriate toys. Hope that helps, thank you so much for caring enough to want to send something for the kids this Christmas! It will be a slim one since Jerry has missed so much work. We'll most likely, almost positively be at the Ronald McDonald House for the holidays again this year.

I'll keep you posted as the days progress and hopefully Kyle will continue to improve! I know he will! I'm counting on it!! I have faith!

God bless you all, Happy Holidays!

Katrina Wetle
621 Oak Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414


Re: 12-4-07 KYLE UPDATE II

Halleluah!!! As we keep praying for this total healing of this whole family this Mom/Nana is praying them home for Christmas! There is nothing too great for our Mighty God. Remember when He brought Kyle home for Fourth of July?!!! And they said it wasn't possible Praise The Lord for this awesome news! What a mighty army He has surrounding this family and we Praise God for you!!! XXOOMom/Nana


Re: 12-4-07 KYLE UPDATE II

Sooo Kendall comes home, I read him the updates, he has been praying day and night.His response was in Great Loud Praise, we whooped it up a bit and then he said, oh good, now just maybe I can sleep tonight! And I sayYeeHaa!!(A good night sleep would be a nice relief)We go through our busy day at work and home upright and on our knees, at night as we (sorta sleep) you kids are never out of our thoughts and prayers. How Great is our God and how important it is that "we keep our faith" Kyle would be the first to remind us you know We love you all!! Huge kisses to the boys and a big boys group hug for you Mom (Kat)

Preacher Jackson, John 3:16 Kyle has a mind like an open book and with his presentation at your church, this little angelic child was a true example of God's love and mercy. Kyle has faith and has a clear glass as his beacon clearly reveals Gods everlasting light.

XXOO Kendall and Mom, Nana&Papa Kendall
