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12-10-07 KYLE UPDATE

Kyle is doing fantastic! His fevers have been at bay and he's been watching tv!!! He even asked for Legos today! He can't really do them, but he wants to! So, I went to the store and got him some and Sean is helping him put them together. It's so sweet to watch. Kyle is determined! His hands and arms are so weak, but his brain is stronger than ever and he won't give up!

He had a procedure today to see if his left kidney was working properly with the tubes that are in place and I didn't get word on what they found out, but all I know is that he is going in for surgery tomorrow to get one of the tubes taken out. No one is around to update me, so I have to wait until tomorrow to find out. I was at the store getting Legos when they discussed it, so I missed out. Oh well, I'll find out tomorrow and let you know what I find out.

I am very pleased with Kyle's progress! They are turning down the ventilator more and more every day too! So far he is handling it really well!! Tomorrow they will be doing pressure support trials. This is where they basically turn everything off and let Kyle breathe on his own for an hour and see how he does. Then if he does well, the next day, they will do it for 2 hours and then on up to 4 hours and then he's ready to get off the vent all together. He's making great progress in this area!!

It sure would be nice to have him out of the hospital for Christmas! I highly doubt it will happen, but wouldn't that be great?!!!! Then we could come home!

He's working in that direction, that's for sure! He's a miracle already, what more can we ask for?? God has blessed us beyond belief!!!! My cup runneth over!

Let's pray him off the ventilator and out of the hospital for Christmas! Another miracle! We can do it! God certainly can!!! Thank you for all your hard work and time well spent praying for our little Kyle!

Talk to ya soon! Love Kyle's mom Katrina


Re: 12-10-07 KYLE UPDATE

Tears of joy!!!! We are so thrilled with this God be the glory; great things He has done...and is doing!!!
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art


Re: 12-10-07 KYLE UPDATE

This is such awesome news! We are all blessed beyond belief and we do believe! I had ordered the coolest twinset of legos for Sean and Kyle for Christmas, I did not have it sent there.... sort of holding out for a home Christmas!!!! We love you all and ALL of the prayer warriors!! God Bless You Everyone!!!
Kisses hugs for all of you my precious babies!
