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12-12-07 KYLE UPDATE

Well, more good news! The just took Kyle off the ventilator!!! He's breathing on his own!! There's not much stopping us from getting out of the hospital now! If his fevers stay away, we should be able to go soon! I'm going to ask the drs about it today and see what they say. I'll let you know what they say.

Jerry left yesterday to go back to work. He'll be back for Christmas if we can get him a flight. Uncle Daniel will be coming with him too! The only flights I could find were for Christmas eve! Talk about last minute!! Oh well, at least he'll be able to make it! We miss him already and the babies are lost without him! They are so attached to him!

Sean is doing great, we have been going bowling quite a bit and he goes somewhere every Sunday with one of our volunteers. He and Jerry had an awesome time together before he left, they were hilarious together and annoying too! Like a couple of best friends with inside jokes that I didn't get any of! Oh well, at least they always have a great time together.

The volunteers are working out great with the babies, I am able to be at the hospital with Kyle a lot! It's perfect!! I couldn't ask for a better schedule!

Some of you have asked how my cancer is progressing and I'm happy to report that I am still in remission! I was just checked again last week and my labs were fine. I still get checked once a month to be sure and so far so good. That's the least of my concerns these days, sorry I don't update more about me, I just don't think about it! I'm doing fine, holding up ok too. Sean and I are both in therapy and it's working out just fine.

So, that's it for now, I'll keep you posted! Kyle is a bit cranky today and wasn't happy about having the tube removed from his throat. He was happy to get it out, just not happy about having to do it. So, it put him in a sour mood. I should get back to him and see if I can cheer him up a bit. Talk to ya soon!!! Kat


Re: 12-12-07 KYLE UPDATE

P.S. Kyle is on oxygen with a mask. He will also be on a by-pap machine at night while he sleeps. This is a mask that blows air into his mouth and nose at a pressured rate to make sure he's breathing enough while he sleeps. It's just a precaution.


Re: 12-12-07 KYLE UPDATE

Do you remember the song from "Fiddler on the Roof" when the young tailor sings, "Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles"--that's what I am singing in response to your latest update. We are filled with joy and gratitude to God.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
