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12-24-07 KYLE UPDATE

Kyle is about the same all around. The good news is they are going to be switching him to the regular vent today if all goes well!! They also pulled out the tube that was draining his left kidney because it wasn't working anymore. It's clotted off and not draining so there's nothing they can do about it.

The worse news is the preliminary results from his echocardiogram say that his heart is only functioning at 45%. This is very bad news! They are not sure what they are going to do about this yet, they have to consult with the cardiologist first.

They also think his right kidney is shrinking which means it's no longer functioning and possibly never will. NOT GOOD! His left is not doing much of anything so it's of no use either. He is still undergoing dialysis almost everyday.

I'll let you know what we find out. So there it is, the good news and the bad news. I'll keep you posted!


Re: 12-24-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina, Jerry, and Sean,
We continue to think of you, pray for you, and speak of you and Kyle throughout each day and into the night...Katrina, your last e-mail spoke of the peace God has given you...when we went to the Christmas Eve service today, the message was about peace amidst the chaos that is so much a part of living in this world...and, of course, we again thought of you...
Holding you near in our hearts and prayers,
As always,
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
