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12-30-07 KYLE UPDATE

Well, thanks to God's love and mercy and your prayers, Kyle is doing much better!

He is now fever free and his white cell count is returning to normal!!! This means the myserious infection is leaving or left his body!

He continues to be weaned off the vent and his kidneys are producing a minimal amount of urine as expected.

His heart is the same, but I am told it is fine the way it is for now and not to worry.

His stats and counts are all good! Nothing to complain about these days! Would love to get him off the ventilator though, but we're not pushing it. I want him to come off and STAY off this time, so we're taking it slow. He's passing his pressure support trials (Breathing on his own) three times a day for now and that's good enough for us!!

He's awake a lot now and trying to do legos (he's still not coordinated or strong enough), watching TV, bee bopping his head to music, and thats about it. Lot's of great stuff!

He gets frustrated when we can't understand him. It's hard to read his lips with a tube and a bite guard in his mouth! He won't write anything down for us either. We've tried everything to communicate with him and he's happier playing charades! (not really, but that's what it feels like)

The Drs are amazed by his progress and we are very pleased! To quote the dr shaking his head this morning "Unbelievable!". Not to us it's not, right? We know the power of prayer!!! They don't, I guess! I also believe that his glyconutrients gave his cells enough of a boost to keep him alive during the toughest times and continue to do their job through the better times.

Kyle is still listed as critically ill, but he has made great progress in a very short amount of time! He was the sickest he's ever been last week or the week before (my days all run together here) and now he's pulling through it! Baby steps, remember? We've taken loads of them to get where we are now!

I would guess that posting will slow down until they take him off the vent, only becuase he will be the same everyday as I've listed above. I will keep you posted though, if anything out of the ordinary happens until then! I promise!

Until then,

One happy mom


Re: 12-30-07 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
As I read your post, I first found myself singing, "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" and then finished the post with "Our God Is an Awesome God." What else can we say....praise God!!!! We are rejoicing with you...just when you are ready to offer your son back to God, it seems God is giving him back to you...and we are moved to tears with joy.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
