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01-07-08 KYLE UPDATE 2 Prayer still needed

Kyle is back in ICU and back on the ventilator. He has some fluid in his lungs, but not enough to need the vent. The Drs are unsure what caused him to need to be back on the vent.

He also had a scan done on his tummy. He was very sore this morning and so they did a scan to see what was up. They can see that his colon is very inflamed and looks like it's infected. He has no fever and his white cell count is not elevated though, so it's strange too. He's at this point a mystery on both fronts.

They went ahead and started him on antibiotics to be safe and have switched all of his meds to IV to give his stomach a break. They will not hold his glyconutrients though, they are too important. He can not miss one day without them, so he will have them again tomorrow night. This gives his stomach a break though for almost 24hrs.

Please keep Kyle in your prayers again. He took a huge step backwards today. The Drs just told me yesterday he could probably go home in 2-3 weeks. That all goes out the window now. Who knows how long we will be here now. I'm so homesick, I spent yesterday in tears and now this....please pray for me too. I miss my home, I miss my husband. It's tough here for me with all the kids. I couldn't do it without my volunteers, but it's still really tough.



Re: 01-07-08 KYLE UPDATE 2 Prayer still needed

I am so sad for all of you! Kyle has proven to be tough in the past, I'm sure this time will be no different. Make sure that you take care of yourself so that you don't get yourself worn down, Kyle needs you! Remember, positive energy! Lean on the volunteers for what you need, you know we are there and will help with whatever we can! As always, you are all in thoughts and prayers!


Re: 01-07-08 KYLE UPDATE 2 Prayer still needed

I don't know where I first saw this, but I like it!

"To the World you may be but one person, but to one person you may be the World"

You are Kyle's World and he needs you to stay strong!
