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01-10-08 KYLE UPDATE

Ok, more tough decisions to be made. They want to put a trach into Kyle's neck. They think he needs it due to the fact that his lungs are so fragile and he will need to go off and on the vent many times, they think.

The trach will keep him from getting the tube down his throat over and over again and possibly damaging anything down there, but it's a hole in his neck and will not allow him to talk any time soon. It's also surgery again.

We're not sure what to do. Kyle seems strong and no one knows if he'll have to go back on the vent again or not. It's a toss up. Do we get the trach or not?

We're torn. We don't know what to do, please pray for us and this decision we have to make today or tomorrow. Kyle is ready to come off the vent now.

I told the Drs I want to learn more about the trach, but it takes a couple of days to make the appt at the learning center to do that and Kyle is ready now. So what happens now? We don't know.

It's a toss up for now. We need to make the best decision for Kyle and we're not sure what that is at the moment. He will be so scared of this and we don't like it much either. If his lungs were only stronger, we wouldn't even be talking about this.

Please pray for his lungs, they need much healing! They are collapsed in most areas and filled with fluid in others, they need strenghthening, they are so fragile right now, according to the Drs. He just can't do it on his own right now without a miracle. That, we can do!!!

Pray hard for Kyle's lungs, that's your next assignment folks! Calling all our mighty prayer warriors!!!! Pray for Kyle's lungs!!! Pray for healing in them!!! Thank you so much! Spread the word! I'll keep you posted! Love to you all, Kyle's mom


Re: 01-10-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
We will begin immediately to pray for supernatural wisdom for you and for the doctors...and for Kyle's healing.
I'll alert my friends and family who pray, right after I hit send for this message.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
God will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6,8.


Re: 01-10-08 KYLE UPDATE


It has been too long since I've seen you. I can't wait to get back to the unit. I have checked on Kyle periodically during my break and continue to pray. Don't be afraid to put your hands on him and pray in Jesus name. I liked what happened last time I did that and I know I don't have as much faith as his Mama. I will ask Him to give you extra wisdom as you continue to make difficult decisions. Love Whitney
