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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Kyle is doing great! He is off of oxygen now! He has been sitting in chairs for 2 hours at a time each day and yesterday he stood up (with assistance) 3 times with Physical Therapy!

He has to relearn how to sit, stand, and walk again after being in bed for so many months, but he's off to a great start. He cried all the way through the standing because he was in so much pain, but he has to do it and the more he does, the easier it will get for him.

He is still doing dialysis every few days for his kidneys that still are not functioning at full capacity, but that's ok, we can deal with that.

He may get out of the hospital next week, but we will have to come back and forth quite often. It's going to be very hard because he can't walk and its soooo cold outside. I'm not sure how we're going to pull it off, but I'm sure we'll manage somehow. I hope!

The weather here is miserable! It was 31 below zero the other day wind chill! It's just not right! I don't understand why people want to live here! I guess they're used to it.

Well, that's all for now, we're struggling financially, as usual. I don't know how we're going to pay our rent this month, but I'm sure God will provide. He always does!!!!!

I'll keep you posted! Love to you all! Us


Re: 1-24-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Kat,
I came to turn the computer off before bed and discovered your update. What great news about Kyle. Thanks for sharing. I'm eager to share the news with Art and the others who keep updated via my e-mails. Hug yourself for us; stay warm (I know it's cold, and Minnesotans don't like it this cold either, but--like Kyle--we are survivors :-) and think how grateful we are for spring!
We continue to pray and wait with you...
Love and prayers,


Re: 1-24-08 KYLE UPDATE

Praise The Lord!!! I am so happy to hear of Kyle's great progress, We anxiously await his return to California, although raining today, not nearly the chill out there!! I Love you little Mighty Kyle!!! Kisses to all of you and please hurry home!
We will all be holding him in prayer as his little body grows stronger! So sad that it is a painful part of the journey, but a miraculous one anyway!!!
