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Kyle is doing fantastic. The only reason he's still in the hospital is because he is vomiting and has diarrea too much. They are going to sedate him in the morning and send down a camera to see what's going on down there to try and get to the bottom of it. I think it's unwarranted, he really isn't doing any of it all that much, I think it's overkill, but we'll see who's right tomorrow.

His kidneys are beginning to function more and more everyday! He went Mon thru Fri with no dialisys last week! He is urinating a ton, all good stuff!

I came back early from CA, Jerry had to go further south and could not get me back to the airport in time, so I left 3 days early to come back. I had a great time though. I really miss him again though!!! Hopefully we'll get out of here and get to go home soon though! Or, squid season is almost over, maybe Jerry can come for a visit before the next fishing season starts up again!

Sean and the babies are doing well, as cute as ever! I spent my trip home with an ear infection! I had to make a trip to the ER for a perforated ear drum and am on ear drops and antibiotics still. Doing much better though. Never a dull moment around here, that's for sure!

Well, Kyle should be getting out of the hospital any time now, I hope!!!!! Pray for that, he's got ants in his pants and so do we! He sits in his chair most of the day, every day now and stands every day, painfully still, but he's working on it. He can take a few painfull steps to his chair with help, but it's a start and can sit on the side of his bed unassisted now. He's getting stronger everyday.

He's no longer being monitered for oxygen levels constantly either! He's doing so well, they took the monitor off! They just come in and check once in awhile when they take his vitals.

He's drinking lots of stuff and sent me out to buy himself a snow cone machine today! He tries to eat still, but it's just not happening very fast still. He's having a hard time with that still. Some stuff sounds good, but still just doesn't taste good yet.

He's come leaps and bounds from where he was a month ago, can you believe the power of prayer???!!! PTL!!! Our thanks to God and our thanks to all our mighty prayer warriors! Please pray us home and out of this hospital! I know you can do it! Thank you so much! Our love to you all! US


Re: 4-4-08 KYLE UPDATE

Sorry for mis-dating this post, it's suppose to read 2-4-08, not 4-4-08.....I need sleep!!!!!!!


Re: 4-4-08 KYLE UPDATE

Hi Kat,
It's so good to "hear" your voice again via this site. We are so thrilled with Kyle's progress and will continue to pray for his healing. 'So glad you got to see's important for your marriage to have time together...and for you to have time away from the hospital setting...we will add your ear drum to the prayer concerns...and, of course, Kyle's intestinal issues...
Art has an appointment next Monday at the U., so if you are still there, we will visit.
We love you guys.
Love and prayers,


Re: 4-4-08 KYLE UPDATE

P.S. Aunt Jody, little Reilly and I enjoyed our trip out to visit all of you even though it was cut short. Wish we could have been more help, Jody was all set to hang out with Sean again and the twins too! I LOVED my days and nights with Kyle!!! He is so precious and I was so thrilled to see him so healthy. He was nauseous but it seemed to be more after he drank a lot!! He always seemed to want to try to eat or drink something! When they cut him off from milk products his heart broke!! Always planning though, made me write down icies/slushies so he wouldn't forget, he was so excited today to tell me that he and Sean had made them.... and that Sean had brain freeze! He laughed and told Sean when I said, "Well, now we have proof that he has a brain He was in much better spirits than when I first showed up and I was sad to go! We had long nights, on design where he would talk me into back rubs and I was even known to crawl in bed with him to rub his back and we would fall asleep together!! He is so sweet and I am looking forward to this trip to MN to be over, all being healed and this family reunited!!!
Thanks for all of the prayers, I am witness to the results, keep praying for Katrina and the other boys too, they have all been through so much, laughter, sunshine and healing all are in tall order!!
God Bless you and keep you in the palm of His hands,

Kisses and Love XXXOOO Mom, NaNa

Re: 4-4-08 KYLE UPDATE

What FANTASTIC!! news!! I am so glad to here of Kyle's huge progress. It's good to hear that Nana got to spend some much treasured time with Kyle and those special moments with him. Good that you got your batteries recharged and got some time with husband. We will continue to pray for each and everyone of you and for a speedy return to CA. I am sure that getting home will only help Kyle's spirits! Boy, talk about being homesick!?!?!?! It's just around the corner! With HIS grace and presence you can't go wrong. We look forward to the updates and we will get those prayers for home and health to continue.

Much Love,
Amy Chesney and Bunch


Re: 4-4-08 KYLE UPDATE

I am praising God for this wonderful news. I am so thankful to be able to be part of this miracle through prayer. I cannot wait to visit you soon!
