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Guess who's at the Ronald McDonald House right now???? Kyle is!!!!!!! He's out on a pass!

He would have been let out of the hospital already, but since he doesn't have any insurance, he can't get out. They can't do outpatient dialysis and bill us because we don't have any insurance so he has to stay in the hospital for now until we figure out what to do! We're stuck! I don't even know how we're going to pay for his prescriptions when he gets out!!! We're in big trouble!! The new insurance company he had that started the first of the year was in the same group as the old one, so they dropped him the same day they picked him up and we just found out yesterday! What horrible news and now we don't know what to do!! Please pray for our finances, we have to get Kyle out of the hospital somehow, he's continuing to rack up a huge bill!

His kidneys are still stalled out and he needs dialysis every 2 to 3 days. So when he gets out we have to figure out a way to pay for it or they won't let him out and then it's even more expensive to stay in! It's a bad situation made even worse. I don't know what we're going to do now. Help!!! We need a huge fundraiser!! But who has the time to organize that, not me! Help, please, does anyone have any ideas for us? We're stuck! We need financial support more than we ever have, Kyle needs his medication and we have no way of getting it for him.

Ok, enough begging and pleading, I've made my case. I'm sorry, I'm just desperate right now. I know God will provide, He always does and I know that. I just get all riled up when I first get the bad news. Please pray about all of this ok? Thank you so much.

Kyle will be on another pass tomorrow, so back to the RMH again for him! Yippee!!! He's enjoying himself! He's so happy to be out of the hospital right now, I'm so happy for him too!!!!!!

I'll keep you posted! Thanks so much for listening to me whine! You're such good listeners!!! LOL Pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray!!!!!


Re: 2-9-08 KYLE UPDATE

Wow that is soooo awesome! He was begging to sneek out when we were walking him around Now he is legal! If you were to come home, maybe CA State Childrens health insurance would pick up where his old insurance left off?? I will check into the child cancer insurance here, maybe at Stanford??? Maybe hospital grants, if we all pray and research, we can come up with a solution!!!

I love you guys and I am so happy that Kyle is our walking miracle again!! XXOO

Re: 2-9-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
Obviously, we are thrilled that Kyle is so much better...and even walking...what occasions for praise...but the insurance news is devastating...we know God is able, yet, it must seem a daunting problem...can't the social workers at the U. suggest anything??? We hope your mom is able to get some help from the CA end, as that is Kyle's state of residence...we will pray for God's mentioned a fundraiser...but I wonder if the proceeds would even begin to touch a day's care...there has to be a bigger, more long-term solution...does CA offer insurance for those who are normally uninsurable? Some states do, but--like everything else--one has to know how to tap into it...we will pray for God's wisdom, open doors, provision, PEACE and well as all the normal prayers for Kyle and your whole family. 'Hope to see some of you when we are at the U. tomorrow for Art's appointment.
Love and prayers always,
