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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Well, I'm sorry to report bad news. Kyle's labs came back yesterday and on the smear there were abnormal cells. Translation: Leukemia blasts. He may be relapsing! So, they have scheduled a bone marrow biopsy for tomorrow at noon to see exactly how bad it is. We will get some results back tomorrow afternoon and the detailed report back in a week. A WEEK! We have to wait a week to find out everything! That's so unfair!

So I guess it goes without saying that we need prayer! The most prayer ever! This is it, the end of all our efforts if it's back, there's nothing else that can be done, we just make him comfortable until he goes. It breaks my heart! We've fought for 6 long years just to lose!!!!!! NOT FAIR!!!!



Re: 2-12-08 KYLE UPDATE

Let's not give up hope! Kyle is a fighter. He is a very special boy. Let's wait and see. We are all praying for him. Hang in there. Big hugs to you and Chemo kisses to his Kyle.
Love you mucho!


Re: 2-12-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Precious Katrina,
Needless to say, we are praying. I e-mailed those who are on my list to contact with each update. Just today, I read some verses from Psalm 31; I thought of them again as I read your update: "I trust in you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hand."--Psalm 31:14-15a. Indeed, that is so...your beloved son and his or home with Jesus...are in the hands of the ONE who loves you both with an eternal love. God is able to do all things, and we believe that, with Him, healing is possible, but we also know that even Jesus, the perfect, holy Son of God, had to pray, "Thy will be done." Kat, I don't know what God will decide to do, but I do know that He loves you and Kyle and your whole precious family. It is all truly in His hands. "The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms." (Deuteronomy 33:27a)...isn't it sweet to know that we can dwell in Him and be cradled forever in his loving arms...our only true safety and rest...
We love you; we pray; with you, we wait and hope.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art


Re: 2-12-08 KYLE UPDATE

I love coming to this site and seeing Kyle's antics in the see the sparkle in his eyes and the life in his countenance...and then I ponder his suffering and yours...and I cry and pray...and hope and wait...and trust God's love and His heart...
Oh, Kat, your pain is so raw...we care; we love you...we hold you in our hearts.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
