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2-14-08 KYLE UPDATE 2

It's not Leukemia!!!!!!! It was early cells, but not cancer! 5% of nothing we needed to worry about! We still need to wait on one more test we wont get back until early next week. It's the one that tells us if he is still 100% donor or not. If he is, we are in the clear! If he is not, then we worry. But, I'm sure he is fine! God is so good to us, He is merciful and full of grace!!!

We are still worried about paying for Kyle's prescription medications when he gets discharged, so if any of you can help, we would grately appreciate it! We are going to work on having a fundraiser when we get home, but that doesn't help us now. We're in big trouble when Kyle gets out, we have no way to pay for his meds. Some of you have started donating and we so appreciate you, I'm not sure how much it will be, but I know it will be a lot! He has LOTS of meds to take! Thank you! We so appreciate all of you! You are always there for us!

Praise God for our great news!


Re: 2-14-08 KYLE UPDATE 2

Praise the Lord! I am shouting at my desk!
I wonder if we can contact the drug companies and see what they can do. Can you email me the names of drugs and I will look into it. Any one out there with ideas? Any one know drug reps that we can get samples from or ideas? I can ask my doctor and perhaps she can get some? Just brainstorming on ideas here...


Re: 2-14-08 KYLE UPDATE 2

What a roller-coaster ride you must feel you are on...good news, news that sounds dire, good news...
The one SURE thing is God's eternal love for you. We pray with much hope and thank God for the latest good news...and we pray, and pray, and pray...
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art


Re: 2-14-08 KYLE UPDATE 2



Re: 2-14-08 KYLE UPDATE 2

Halleluia and Praise God for he is merciful and mighty, now come home! Eileen wrote to me about that prescrition program that should be great to sign on for, CA has the no child left without health care. Now the fund raiser will help so much in removing the anchor from the mounted bills of life and we are praying for you to get to that place of all the weight of worry to be lifted so we can watch you be nutured and just plain and simply enjoy the family without the built in adrinalin rush (whats it called fright and flight...) anyway always prepared for the worse. Time to get back to God's Law of Adjustment, to His planned purpose for your LIFE, to be the loving nuturng mom who can stop long enough to smell the roses and fly that kite!!!
I Love You ALL and am so Grateful for the mightyness of God and in Him I Give ALL Praise and Glory... Now come home!
Happy Valentines Day Did you all have fun with the suprises that I left behind?
