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Guess what! Kyle doesn't have to do dialysis anymore! His kidneys finally kicked in and started working! We don't have to make that drive to SF 3 times a week!!!!!!!!!! PTL!!! Now we only have to go once a week! Yippeee! God is so gracious! We are still having finacial difficulties, but God will see to our needs! My computer is broken, so until I get it fixed, postings will be farther in between for now. Sorry about that, but Kyle is doing great! He's pretty naseous all day and night, but that's about it.

He's learning how to walk again, slow go, but we'll get there.

We go back to SF on Weds for a check up and I do his labs every other day and take them to the local hospital.

I'll keep you posted! Thanks for the prayers, his kidneys are another miracle!!!!!!!

Re: 3-8-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
How small our world is these days. I was e-mailing a friend in Israel and talking about the massacre at the yeshiva in Jerusalem, when up popped the notice of a new e-mail, so after I sent the message to Israel, I checked the new message, and what joy to find your glorious update!!! Praise God! I'm so excited to run downstairs and tell Art and then e-mail all those on my list of Kyle-pray-ers...but I just had to post a reply to you first. All I can do is beam and sing praises to God...Kyle's kidneys are working; your commuting is going to be way less; Kyle is learning to walk...we will pray about the nausea...but "wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, God's pulled a Daniel once again" (Do you remember that song from "Fiddler on the Roof"--perhaps it's the Israel connection that reminds me of it tonight, but I'm rejoicing and praying and praising. We love you. Hugs for all.
Love and prayers,


Re: 3-8-08 KYLE UPDATE

Thank you Jesus for your healing hand. How awesome is your power! How great is your faithfulness! "In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." - Exodus 15:13 I pray for continued healing and that you all seek YHWH with all your hearts. Love you guys :D


Re: 3-8-08 KYLE UPDATE

Yippee! Give Kyle and Chemo our love! Kosmo says "Ruff".


Re: 3-8-08 KYLE UPDATE

As we sing our praises and and Thank God for blessing us daily with that which seems impossible from a worldly view, we are reminded that ALL things are possible to them that love God,

Psalm 111: His work is honorable and glorious and His Righteousness endures FOREVER!!!!!

We were blessed with a special family time, sharing Grandpa Kendall's Birthday and the promised Christmas for Kyle and the kids. We had kept the tree up as promised and were so blessed by the peace and smiles had by all.

God is good and his peace surpasses all understanding and for that as mere humans we are greatful to be His children.

Twins are enjoying the day care(where they had started before leaving for Kyle's treatment) and we are all so happy to have the family home again! Uncle Dustan is out picking up a surprise loaner scooter for Kyle, a loaner donation from Jacobs Heart, a most awesome helpful local cancer foundation that have been soooooo good to us. They are even checking into diabetic camps for Sean!

God Bless you all, our very special prayer warriors!!

Re: 3-8-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina and Jerry,
You remain in our hearts and prayers throughout each day. It is time to send a quick note and a hug for each of you...including the four boys. Are Kyle and Chemo still loving being back together? Have the twins settled into being home? And does Sean have his license?
The snow is melting so fast with the few warm, sunny days we've been having. We've seen robins, and green grass and plants are peeking up through the snow. Spring always speaks words of new life to us, and we pray you are seeing new signs of hope every day too. You are so dear and we wish we could hug you in person.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
Isaiah 40:11
