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He is doing well, I took him to physical therapy today and they are going to see about letting him do it at home.

Please pray for us, his new caregiver was a no show today and it looks like I'm getting this job. I have no one to take care of Kyle and I HAVE to go back to work! We are not finacially capable of one income. We have been squeaking by with your help for the past year, but we can't rely on you forever! I need this job, but I can't leave Kyle home alone. I am looking into several options, but so far I keep getting dead ends or no call backs. We need lots of prayer in this area. Care for Kyle. Otherwise, he has to rehab in the hospital. Which is not all bad, he will get more schooling and physical therapy and better/closer care in emergencies, but that's our last choice. But, if I can't find a home health care nurse for him, we will have no choice.

We're torn at what's best for Kyle at this point. I know it's important for him to be home, but if he will get better care at the hospital AND I can go back to work and support my family then what to do? We are going to lose everything, including our home if I don't go back to work. So, we may have to make sacrafices for the greater good.

As it stands, we have to declare bankruptcy as soon as Kyle is out of the woods. We have judgements against us now and are in a constant state of financial ruin. We can't even keep food on the table without your help, Jerry just doesn't make enough by himself and his constant need to be home in Kyle's emergencies causes him to miss much needed work.

The long and the short of it is, I HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK! I'm in tears as I type this, I'm heartbroken. I feel like I've failed somehow. My baby needs me and money takes presedence? I'm so torn, but I have no choice. I've been out of work too long and my family needs two incomes. I can't tell you how much we appreciate those of you who have carried us this far. Those of you who have donated and allowed me to stay with Kyle this long. You're our nearest and dearest and I just could never explain to you how much your donations have meant to us. It's more than just money, it's family time, you're buying time for a mother and son. We love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being there for us for so long. For not giving up on us, for being so giving and dedicated for so long. Thank you. God bless you.

Now it's time for me to earn a living again, so we'll pray for Kyle's health, we're on the road to recovery and that's that! Only Kyle needs meds and labs and can't walk. Only, Only. He needs care and I haven't been able to find it. Prayer is my only answer. God will have mercy and help me, I know he will. He has gotten us this far, He won't let us down now! I need your help though. Please help me pray for the answer to Kyle's care.

As far as the kidney biopsy goes, the results show that the virus is, in fact, attacking his kidneys. He will be starting meds to help with this and hopefully that will be the end of it. Pray for this too!

I will keep you posted! Thank you for being so dedicated! I hope you know we couldn't have made it this far without each and every one of you!


Re: 3-31-08 KYLE UPDATE

Sorry for all the August (8) update dates! Sean has been on my mind a lot and his birthday is in August! Space Cadet here! Sheesh I need sleep!!!!!!!!!


Re: 3-31-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
What an array of great news and heartache...rejoicing and despairing...we continue to pray...
You are always in our hearts.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art


Re: 3-31-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina, Jerry, Sean, and Kyle.
Please hugs the birthday boys for us.
We continue to pray. You are dear.
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
