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So many praises

I have not been reading the website since everyone has come home. It is so wonderful to have you all so close. My heart aches to hear such fear.
There is much mercy in the attitude of gratitude! I have been so blessed with being able to have all of my babies around, The time that Kyle spent in the hospital upon his return, he at least has had us here. I have enjoyed every minute that I was able to spend with him as we talked till the wee hours of the morning Our God is truly a mighty God, and he provides for our every need, and he has and He will.

The twins birthday party was unbelievablely heartwarming. We have caught up on our (very late) Christmas, I can take my tree down now (good thing it wasn't a live one!! We have celebrated Easter, the twins birthdays and look forward to Kyle’s birthday!!! Lots of celebrations, and we continue!!! Gathering the family together is so wonderful, We had all but one at the dinner table the other night, 12! We were missing Jerry.

I was so thrilled to be able to be the one to take Kyle home last Sunday; He had a very special toy store that he wanted/needed to stop at That was fun!!! For both of us!

The twins, have two options of day care, close to me or close to Katrina and Jerry got a new job, fishing business is never the greatest, but it is promising to pay better. Katrina is to hear about her job tomorrow, and it looks like she got it!
I am waiting for my turn to have the kids here, was supposed to yesterday, then today, tomorrow for sure.
Jerry was home this week-end and they all had great family time.... so I wait patiently But only until tomorrow.
We are hoping and praying that the state is going to help a bit in the child care department, now that they are home. Katrina's job will give her some health benefits, as soon as she qualifies, and this whole family is so proud of Katrina, and soooo grateful that the family is all home again.
So as we keep this dear family in our prayers and heed the wise scripture promises (thanks Jan!!!) we can't forget all Praise and Glory that we give to our Mighty God!! We are eternally grateful to all of you who have been a huge part of this miracle, and we will soon see the tapestry side that God sees (and realize what creation those entire underside threads were weaving!!!) Because Our God is a mighty God and His plan is SO much greater than what we could ever dream up on our own,

Now as we pray for that peace that surpasses all understanding, let’s watch the flowers bloom and the smiles returning!!! As we see HIS enfoldment!
So as the Bible tells us 365 times (one for everyday of the year)Fear Not He is watching over ALL of us
God Bless each and everyone of you! How mighty is the band of angels that God has placed in our lives! I am personally blessed beyond belief!!!

P.S. There have been several people that have sent moneys to Washington Mutual, and some through me for Kyle's account, Marvin, I did receive yours and I thank you, and still need to get your address to Kyle for his thank you card for you Hallelua for the miracles and mercy from our precious Lord!
