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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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Hi everyone!

Well, things are running along smoothly, Kyle is doing beautifully!

We ended up letting the caregiver go, she just wasn't working out. She has a lot of time-management issues that were just inconvenient! It's really hard to find good help for the little amount we can afford to pay! I put an ad up at church, I should have done that in the beginning! Pray for us to find that special person.

The kids are all doing great! The babies are talking up a storm, they have all kinds of words now, they call the phone a "Talk". It's so cute! They run up and hug us when we walk in the door.... "Hi Mommy!", "Hi Daddy!". It's adorable! Every once in awhile, Luke will start rattling off all the words he knows and Jake is finally eating well! They are still 3 pounds apart, and Luke is taller than Jake too.

Luke is a big baby and Jake is my brave boy! Jake has finally started fighting back and Luke can't take it....Luke will hit Jake and then Jake will haul off and hit him back and Luke will cry! Jake doesn't cry, he just get's him back! It's funny! I don't laugh though, I just tell them No Hitting! and hold Luke when he comes to me bawling!

Sean is doing great in school! He's such a great kid, he makes great choices and we're so proud of him! Sean and Jerry had a great time at the Father/Son retreat with our church and we had a great time at Great America on Mother's Day! Sean has decided he wants to go to the Christian School I picked out for him, so we are in the process of filling out the paperwork for a scholorship. I think he'll like it! It will be his last year and what better than to surround yourself with good friends!

Jerry is home now, he brought the boat back from down south and will now start fishing a different market, here in Monterey Bay and surrounding areas. It will be nice to have him home more!

I wanted to share with you what Kyle told me yesterday, here's what he said:

"I haven't forgotten what you told me about almost dying twice, I'm so glad God kept me alive, I love my life. I can't wait to see what God has planned for me, it must be something big!"

Isn't he just precious! He knows just like we do that God has big plans for him! That's the first time in 7 years he's been gratefull to be alive, he's always wanted us to let go and let him go!

It was really nice to hear him talk like that! It makes me gratefull for all we've put him through. It's been tough watching him go through pain and suffering when he didn't want to, but we HAD to try everything we could!

Well, that's all for now. Kyle is on his way to San Francisco today and his Uncle Dusty (my brother) took him. What a sweetheart! Thanks Dusty!!

Pray for Kyle, he has to have his port accessed today and he hates it!

Talk to ya soon! Oh, and I have new pictures of the family, the website wont let me upload them, but if you would like copies, I will email them to you, just let me know. I will be emailing them to everyone on Kyle's mailing list, but if you're not on that list and would like pictures, let me know.

God bless you all!


Re: 5-27-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
I can hardly believe all the good news in your update. We continue to pray for ALL of you. Hug Sean for us and tell him we are proud of him. Hug Kyle and tell him God DOES have a plan for his life; remind him that many are praying for him, and that already, at age 10, he has touched lives for eternity. Hug Jerry and tell him we think he's a great dad. Hug the twins just because they are two and probably love hugs. And HUG yourself, Katrina, you are a hero in our eyes and we think you are amazing. Rest in God's relentless and eternal love and in the sure knowledge that He calls you, "beloved daughter" (Romans 8:35-39).
Love and prayers,
Jan and Art
I can hardly wait to send the update to those on our e-mail list who are praying for Kyle. To God be the glory!!!
