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Kyle still carries only a 25% chance of surviving and he's scaring me. A couple of days ago, he looked pale and had dark circles around his eyes, so I rushed him in for labs and by the time we got to the hospital, he was cracking jokes and seemed much better. His labs turned out fine, but I'm still worried. These are signs of relapse and I've seen it before when his labs looked great, but the Luekemia was back. This was the case on his first relapse. He is also struggling with a sinus infection and his lungs sound junky again. All signs. Please pray!

If Kyle relapses again, there's nothing we can do for him; So I'm told, I don't know if I would be ready to give up after 7 years of fighting! I do know that he wouldn't survive another transplant! Let's just pray that the Dr's are wrong and Kyle will have 100% chance of recovery!

His kidneys are continuing to get slowly better! Good news! Every week, they creep up a little bit! He is still on a low sodium diet and has to limit other things, like orange juice. But, this is great news!

Sean had a dr appt the other day and we found out that his cholesterol is really high! He's so young to have this problem, but I guess it goes along with the diabetes sometimes.

All else is well accept our finances! We are really struggling right now, my job pays for benefits, gas and a little groceries. And taxes of course! I'm just not brining home enough money to pay for good daycare and our bills. Jerry has been working his tail off to try and cover everything else himself, but it's just not enough this month. Besides our bills, the kids all have grown out of their clothes and shoes and the babies need toys!

When Kyle's insurance ran out, he was in ICU and racked up quite a bill. He is also on 12 different prescriptions per day and that doesn't include Sean's meds for his diabetes.

We're really having a hard time. It's the first of the month and EVERYTHING is due at once! We need lots of prayers!

Tony lost his job, so I am no longer getting child support in the midst of all of this! He also lost his benefits, so I HAVE to keep my job!

I'm sorry to whine to all of you, but we're in such bad shape and I'm always honest with you about how we are doing.

We need a miracle! Please pray for us! Please pray that God will introduce us to someone who knows something about fundraising and can help!

The twins are all doing well and my Grandma Maddeline is coming on Saturday! You remember her, she is the one that came to MN with us and kept the babies for me during Kyle's first transplant. We're so excited to see her again! Her kidneys have not been well, so please pray for her too.

Kyle got to go swimming for the first time in a year! He was so excited and so was I! They swam for 4 hrs! It was great! Me and the babies went too, but they didn't last as long as the older boys did.

Well, I think I've given you enough to pray for this week! As always, I will keep you posted! Our love and prayers to you all!


Re: 6-6-08 KYLE UPDATE

Oh, Katrina,
I've printed a copy of the picture of you and your 4 boys--taken on Mothers' Day, I believe; you all look so happy, and it's easy to forget how very difficult each day still is for you. We will pray for peace for you and for health for Kyle....actually, for all of you. And we will pray for some breakthrough in the finances; we've walked the road of not enough coming in, and it's exhausting; even leaning into Jesus' love and depending on His provision, if we are honest, it makes one weary to always wonder "how?"
I don't have the answers, but I do know that God loves you and cares about all of your concerns, heartaches... We will continue to pray, and I will alert my prayer group of these latest concerns.
Hugs for all.
Love and prayers,
Art is away on a fishing weekend with two old friends; he so rarely (like maybe once a year) gets to do something like this. But I know he always prays for you all too, and I will catch him up on details when he returns.
You are precious.
