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Welcome to Kyle's Smile! Forum
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I want to start with a huge thank you to the folks that made it possible for Sean and Kyle to go back and visit family! Diane and Richard Clark, Dave Holloway, and Cheryl Dietrich! Diane and Dave also donate regularly to help us each month to pay our bills and buy groceries! The Santa Cruz Bible Church brought us a ton of groceries through Jacob's Heart and The Frank Sollecito Jr Leukemia Fund has helped us pay many bills! Our own church with Rick Payte and Barb Ludwig has also helped with bills! My dad just sent us some money for Sean's train tickets and extra to help out too! My Aunt Eileen and Uncle Jeff donated a car to Sean and are caring for him while he is down there visiting this week! Jan and Art Skague sent a little extra this month too!

Just an outpour of love and support from you all is what gets us by each month. We love you and appreciate you all! I hope I'm not leaving anyone out!
Because we appreciate each and every one of you for your support and most of all for your prayers!

Now for some bad news:

Kyle's white count continues to rise every week. This can be a sign of relapse. A big one. Since he has no symptoms of illness to make them rise, the only thing left is Leukemia.

They keep asking me if I want to do a bone marrow biopsy to see and I keep saying no. I don't know if I want to know. Things are going so well and I hate to have bad news hovering over us every day.

But, really it already is. AND what if it comes back negative and he is fine and I had nothing to worry about at all? Jerry thinks “we should just do it and take what we get and let God deal with the rest. We’ve been preparing for this for a long time and we knew going into his last transplant that we were just buying more time, no matter what, we’ll handle it and we’ll be ok.”

But, I just don’t know. I’m worrying myself sick over this, I might as well just do it and get it over with anyway. Please pray for Kyle and for us as we make this decision and for the outcome. We know his chances are slim, but a parent can always hope, right?

I called his Dr in MN to see if there was ANYTHING we could do and he basically said no. I asked him if it was back, how long we would have with him and he said that he’s seen kids last up to 3mos! Like that was a good thing! 3 months! He won’t even make it to Christmas or even to Thanksgiving maybe! UGH, my heart is breaking.

We’ve been fighting for 7 long years now and it’s so hard to just give up and lose this great battle we put our hearts and souls in to!!!!!!!

That’s all I have to say for now, I don’t know what else to say. I’m in tears and I don’t want to lose my little hero. I’d give anything to switch places with him. No school, no birthday, no Christmas, no little league, no girlfriend, no wife, no children. It’s so unfair.

Kyle deserves the world and then some for what he’s been through! We can’t even afford to feed our kids and now God is going to take our precious Kyle?

Not Fair!


Re: 7-26-08 KYLE UPDATE

We need a miracle!!!!! I believe in the power of prayer!!!!!!!!


Re: 7-26-08 KYLE UPDATE

Dear Katrina,
I am sorry to hear about Kyle's rising white blood count and about your fears. We continue to pray for Kyle and for ALL of you.
Katrina, please don't trade today's joys--including the joy of Kyle's summer: riding his bike, walking again, traveling with Sean--for what may be (or may not be) tomorrow or in a week or a is your gift; embrace it, celebrate it...
God only promises us the strength for today (tomorrow, He will give us the strength for tomorrow...). "As your days, so will your strength be"--Deuteronomy 33:25b
We will continue to pray for a miracle for Kyle, knowing that Kyle is safe in God's love, and that, with God, all things are possible.
God loves you so much that He gave His own Son so that you and your son(s) and all of us can live with Him forever. Rest in that love, dear Katrina.
Hugs for all of you.
Love and prayers,
