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10-09-08 KYLE UPDATE

Hi Everyone!!!

It's been so crazy around here!! I needed to make as many Dr and Dental appts as I could for all of us, before our benefits expired! Now that they have, I don't know what we're going to do! Kyle has an appt in San Fran. on the 14th and we have no insurance!

Other than that, everything is great! We're adjusting to life and trying to settle in. Our family is having some growing pains. We've become so acustom to living in a hospital environment and always being in crisis mode, that we all feel a little out of place at home in a normal environment.

Everyone has been on edge waiting for the next trauma to come along. We're so used to coming home for a few days, a week, a month and then *BAM* CRISIS! and off we go again. We've all been snippy and sadly, yelling at eachother. UNTIL, I think we all realized at the same time what was going on and we talked about it.

It was a great time of healing and forgiveness. We made a truce and agreed to start over as a family unit, allowing one to fall down and how we would then help him back up, instead of falling down with him, until we were all down again. We talked about through this batle, how each of us had gone into our own form of "Survival Modes" and how we no longer needed those defenses and that it was ok to be vunerable to "each other". PTL!

Kyle continues to get 3 shots a week to keep his blood levels from dropping dangerously low again. He's still eating really good! It's really great to see his appetite picking back up!!

His tutor comes to the house twice a week for school, and on Weds nights, he has started Awanas! He loves it! He's great at memorizing verses!! And they said he would be behind in so many ways, becuase of all the chemo and radiation through all the years!

Sean is good, he is taking his driving test on the 17th and just got a job yesterday! His fist real job! I don't know how we are going to get him back and forth, but we'll work it out! He did some councelling for summer camp, but he doesn't count that, We're so excited for him!!

We had to go out and buy his uniform stuff....ouch! But, God always takes care of us!! Remember, he will take care of you too! I have no idea, how we are going to get prescriptions, or what we are going to do about Kyle's appt on the 14th, but I do know we are going to pray about it and that God will show us a way!!!!!!!!!

We have a great business opportunity that came our way, please pray about this for us! In the course of events, it worked out. If it does work out, we will be ok financially for the first time in a very long time!! I am praying for God's will for us, please help us pray.

God bless all of you, I would love to hear from you, I haven't heard from anyone in awhile. I take that back, I haven't been on the computer in a really long time, so I haven't checked my email! I bet there are emails waiting for me there!

Love you all!

Jerr, Kat-n-the gang


Re: 10-09-08 KYLE UPDATE

Hi Kat and Everyone,
Thanks for the update. I haven't been on the computer for a few days so I just read it. We praise the Lord that Kyle's health is good and that your family is re-adjusting to somewhat normal life and normal problems...albeit difficult ones. We rejoice with you in your triumphs and pray with you about the difficulties. Hugs for all. We hold you close in our hearts and prayers.
love and prayers,
Jan and Art


Re: 10-09-08 KYLE UPDATE

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