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Looking for my comrades from Vietnam

I'm going to try this again to see if I get any response. My name is SP5 Roy Tippett I am from Cumberland, Ky. I served with 250th Radar Detachment with the 2nd/94th Mobile Field Artillery in Operation Lam Son 719 - Dewey Canyon 11 in Vietnam from January 1971-July 1971. with the US Army. This was my 2nd tour. We were a small group (about 7-8)men. One of these guys nickname was Sunshine, one played a guitar and one was a Cherokee Indian from Oklahoma and one guy was a corporal he talked a lot about doing body work on cars. I have pictures of us but sorry to say I cannot remember their names. The entire time we were together we spent it on Highway 9. I joined up with these guys at Da Nang Camp Love. We were also stationed at Camp Carroll, the Base of Rock Pile and Kha-Sang. Also at Lang-Vei and were close to the Coroc Mts. a place called Cao-Bao. This is the best spelling of these places I can remember. I was the maintenance man along with another SP5 maintenance man he was a black man from either North or South Caroline. The way I got my pictures was from the guys with me they took the pics and when they had them developed they made double prints and shared them with me. I have a pic of us setting on our bunker looking at a Playboy magazine, and that was at LZNancy or LZ Cannonball. I think one of them was named Titus, not positive on that. My time was up and I left them somewhere in the Ash au Valley. If any of you are out there that remembers this please get in touch with me. Or if you have heard any of them talk about it to their families or buddies, my email address is Would love to get in touch with any of you.

I remember you / your wife, posting on this forum in 2007...

I am sorry if the info, what little it however may have been, evidently did not lead you to a more successfull result in your search.

If having lost the info in our previous comunication on this forum, you can yet still retain it by going to the direct link to a response by Another participant on this forum, wherein I continued in it to respond to you / your wife. The direct link to that post-thread is:

Right now, I am in the early parts of a nightshiftserie at work, so I am not online much. Most often to tired to go online at all during those, since each nightshift is 12 hours long, and I do either 4 or 5 such in a row, Before being "off work". But I will "earmark" your post for further and deeper search as soon as I go off this shiftserie by this upcomming Wednesday morning. I will try my best to locate information which may hopefully be of better end result in your endevour of re-initiating Contact with your Brothers In Arms from your unit.

Until later Contact, please do take good care!
