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staying under the radar....

I'm going out of town tomorrow and staying under the radar for a couple of weeks....but there are a few things that have been bugging me for a while now that I need to get off my chest....
...the first one is an important topic near and dear to my heart....pbj...that's right, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches....I caught a news story the other day about some study that said that pbj's contributed to the obesity problem in this country...because of all the fat in peanut butter and sugar in jelly.....and I wanted to reply that you have got to be freaking kidding me my neighborhood anyway pbj's had been a staple food for a generation of post-war kids from the late 40's to probably the early 70's...and guess what pal...maybe 5% were what was then considered chubby....the rest were pretty darn healthy and lean......and you wanta know why?...because they were all outside running, and jumping, and playing....the obesity problem is more a direct result of sitting around playing video games and watching tv...and all of those big gulp sodas and junk food....and I didn't need a college degree and tax-payer funded money to come to this conclusion...what a load of crap...
........on a lighter this mornings news...a brief blurb that stated that scientists and surgeons will attempt the first human head transplant in 2017...I'm still chuckling over that one....the possibilities are endless there....Mary Shelley's Frankenstein will walk among us....
........and speaking of walking among us...the Donald has certainly been making headlines around the country for some time now....he was here in Nashville a couple of weeks ago and received an enthusiastic reception...he's getting alot of attention from the average middle-class working folks who are fed-up with how this country is being run...and run down........I stopped paying much attention to him a month or so ago and I don't really know what to say about the guy.....but he has hit a nerve with people all over the country...saying things and taking positions that the professional politicians don't have the balls to say or do...he is surely stirring things up and that, I believe, is a good thing.....of course, he is a bombastic, self-promoting creep that you actually want to smack in the mouth sometimes....but then I look around at the rest of the presidential hopefuls and you know how they all look....maybe, just maybe, it might be a good thing for this country to clean house of all the career politicians......or, it could be very dangerous..... my typing finger a rest for now....aintcha lucky--->lefty