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and I can't keep quiet about this stuff....somewhat of a problem for me my whole life...I just don't know when to keep me yap here goes... the latest AOL news....prosecutors out in California somewhere have decided that there is not enough evidence to charge Bruce Jenner with anything in that car crash a few months ago that killed another I've watched video of that crash a few times and read about the case....and I think ol' Brucie has bought his way out of that one...if it had been you or me you can bet your ass there would be charges filed...but that's just me...
...and here's another one that's kinda been kept quiet lately...have you all seen the coverage or heard about the high school football players who blindsided a referee they didn't like....knocking him to the ground....and in the first case a second player actually smashed into the ref as he lay on the ground's even happened a couple of times now......officials weren't...or aren't...sure what if any disciplinary charges will be brought against the players....but in the one case anyway, I think criminal assault charges would be a good idea...they could have broken the guys back... can take it to the bank that there will be more of these incidents in the future unless it's stopped now...
....and what about the county clerk in Kentucky who has refused to issue marriage licenses to gays....ignoring a judge's and higher court ruling and the law...and going to jail for it...becoming in the process quite a news media celebrity and hero to all of the self-righteous types around the country...I'm sorry, this is gonna piss off alot of people, but that's the way it goes.......this woman presumably...or one would hope...had to take an oath of office when accepting her oath to uphold the laws of the country and the state of Kentucky...I say presumably because hopefully the state of Kentucky follows those procedures...but I guess you never then, this four times married woman...who has had children out-of-wedlock...decides her beliefs and conscience are above and beyond the law...and she would be sinning in the eyes of God to issue these licenses.......and now she's claiming to have had a recent meeting and chat with the pope on his latest trip to the country....and actually received his blessing.....
....and while I'm thinking about all of the self-righteous types I mentioned who hate the gays...I see alot of said types around this part of the country...let me tellya a little about some of what I see....some/many/most whatever are uneducated, practically illiterate, drug smoking, whiskey drinking, cursing, child-beating, dog-kicking, cheating, lying, stealing...did I leave anything out?...oh yeah...Sunday church-going if they get their lazy asses out of bed....but they sure do hate the gays......
.....responses welcome....lefty