and to get me warmed up for the new's a quote from CNN news online.......
"Americans who were held hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Iran and/or their families will receive financial compensation for their ordeal, because of a little-noticed part of a budget bill passed last week by Congress."..... seems that lawyers, politicians, and various other suits have been working for years to make this happen.....which is all well and good...but you know all will be glad-handing and slapping backs and taking credit for the gesture..............but what pisses me off is that while we are going to take care of these families.....most of whom were headed by professionals and others of some political clout.......but this country continually and shamefully refuses to take care of it's returning veterans....thousands of whom are homeless, jobless, friendless, and in some cases suicidal....their families getting only begrudging support while they are deployed and even less when the enlistments are done....
....and while I'm on the can take it to the bank that things won't get any better under the Clintonites........stew on that.......lefty