Hello Everyone...I am really frustrated about an unusual health issue my husband is having and wondering if anyone else out their has experienced or knows someone who has experienced the symptoms he has. The symptoms seem to be getting worse. He experiences intense cramping in his hands, legs, feet, arms, back, and abdomen. In addition, he gets what is known as fasciculations all over his body (think of that annoying little twitch you get in under your eye). The neurologist has ruled out ALS and MS and has assigned the diagnosis of Benign Cramp Fasciculation Syndrome. While he has provided a diagnosis, there is very little research on this affliction, so the treatments are trial and error. So far, nothing has proven very beneficial. My husband was a marine in vietnam 1969-1971 and was exposed to Agent Orange. I would really appreciate feedback on this from anyone who knows anything about this. Thank you.
I have tried a couple of times to offer a suggestion to maybe help get the benefits you feel you are entitled to. So I'll make it short this time, maybe then it'll go through.
Contact a local Disabled American Veteran chapter. They will act in your behalf as an agent for you. I did this and have gotten results.
Try it and see. Good luck to you.
Thank you for your response. He does have an agent and he does get some benefits, but no benefits related to this particular affliction. I was more curious to know if any other veterans from this era have experienced any of these symptoms. Again, your response is really appreciated.