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Welcome to was started over 10 years ago by US Navy and Vietnam Veteran Murry Broach.In his Memory this site is lovingly dedicated.  


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Good sunday Morning ALL? Plase read my post I have Question.....

I hope to get a few replies To see how everyone is. It seems that some how fot some reason no one posts anymore? Most of all Bob's family just disappeared. We drove all the way to his home to honor his last request. I know it had no strings. I did it for Bob and I'm upset that they just dropped out of site. I hope & pray they are Ok. You see my job in Nam I never had Closure with those whom I served with . Have a nice day and week. SF, With God, T&N. chaplain

Re: Good sunday Morning ALL? Plase read my post I have Question.....

Hey Chap! I haven't been on site for a while but I do visit ever so often just to see what is going on. Like you say I've been surprised by a lack of postings and was wondering what was going on. There are more than enough "hot topics" to comment on such as the current political situation. I'm sure everyone has an opinion on the candidates, whether pro or con. Since the posts are more or less anonymous surely no one should get angry or upset about what someone else posts. Maybe that's the story, who knows? I would like to comment on something else also. Every time I go out I wear my "Viet Nam Veteran" cap. Numerous times someone has come to me,shook my hand and thanked me for my service. But today an Iraq veteran didn't acknowledge me or my cap. I had to ask him if he served in Iraq before he answered me. He acted ashamed and unfriendly. I tried to be friendly but got no response. Oh well, it's his problem, not mine. Didnt mean to use so much space.