Thanks Mr. IRS man......thanks for making sure you get that extra $1,000 from my wife and I. I realize we make a ton of money in our retirement years. All that social security money that we get every month...and that modest pension that comes. And then there's that extra money we get with our small antique/flea market business. We can't be making all that money while there are thousands...or millions..of folks out there who don't. Never mind that we work our butts off every day with that business. To make enough money so that we can afford to take little trips and visit our grandchildren every year. Not world cruises mind you, just visits to the grandkids...fer cryin' out loud. Or make enough to pay off this 1600 square foot castle that we live in. Or make enough to keep a couple of 7-8 year old vans on the that we can keep working and donating to the IRS. Never mind that we grow a little garden and clip coupons to save a little on food...and shop at the thrift stores for all these fine garments that we wear........I understand that the country has to support all those people who make a culture out of welfare, who lay around with their hands out for everything they can get...the free rent, the free food, the free health care, the free cell phones...have I left anything out?..
......and I understand that we have to make sure the illegals get it all too...can't leave them out, can we?....and I understand that all the pols have to get their lifelong salaries and benefits....I understand that the big corporations have to be bailed out and not allowed to fail...and their execs and suits need their buyouts and golden parachutes......I understand that we have to send billions around the world to people and countries who hate us and plot our destruction.... of course...I understand when you have to come to people like me...average schmucks who have worked all our lives, who obey the laws and treat people with respect and honesty...and get that extra bit of money...that last drop of blood.....I understand........lefty