finding a Dr to give medical opinion on brain tumor pro bono
Hi all,
I am a veteran and a retired veterans service officer. Since retirement I have opened shop (501c3) to advocate for veterans here in North AZ. All been going well so far.
I have a Navy vet, who in my professiional opinion should be service connected for a brain tumor. I have all the evidence but need to find a MD that knows about brain tumors that can cause the person to hear voices. I've reserched it and it definately hearing voices is a symptom of his type of brain tumor. Of course he was released for "personality disorder" typical for the military to use that catch all.
I digress, anyhow the VAMC San Diego found a tumor, removed it and whala, no more voices. Now the voices are documented in the medical records quite extensively, with the voices starting in the military.
This case is one that I'm sure will be service connected if I can find the right MD (tumor specialist) to review the records and give an opinion.
Any help would be appreciated, as this veteran is very low income because the removal of the tumor caused other issues and is unable to work.
Thank you for reading this.
USAF ret.
Riverside County Service officer ret