So many recent events popping up in the news around the country lately that just beg for comments and you know I can't restrain myself...a bad habit I know, but I've never been able to keep my yap where do I start?
....first, on the comical side...or at least I found it comical...the president is due in Detroit today to commiserate with the local pols over the drinking water contamination problem they are know, the lead in the water...really bad stuff....and he is being urged to have a big glassful of tap water to show that it's really safe....oh boy, I want to see that one on national tv...hahaha...chug it down Mr. Pres...
...then there is the latest death of Prince...with all of the media coverage ad infinitum...will it ever end?...the recent story is about what will happen to...or who will get...all of the Prince's fortune...which is several hundreds of millions I understand......people are lining up to claim a piece of the action...they are actually coming out of the woodwork...haha........but I'm thinking...I have a good idea who will be getting a big chunk of that money...can you guess it?....that's right...the lawyers of course...always the lawyers....they are circling like buzzards...
....and here's one that should be funny if it weren't so ridiculous....some place in Greenwich village NYC is being named as the first...the first mind you...national monument to the gay rights c'mon.....a national monument?...let's take another look at this for a minute shall we...first of all, of course, everyone should have equal rights under the constitution....but the last time I looked, a majority of the people in this country...that means, most of the people...still believe homosexuality to be aberrant behavior...and now these people are being forced to celebrate...and pay for...a national monument to this behavior....ridiculous...
....and last but not's happened again here in Tennessee...I keep repeating it, but it never seems to end....I don't know if it happens this often in other parts of the country but here it's almost weekly news it seems.....another child has shot himself with a loaded gun left around the house....apparently he is going to survive....and the last I heard, no charges are being considered against the parents who left the gun around the house, loaded and unsecured....but they damn sure should's criminal negligence....I've ranted about it before, and I'll keep right on ranting about it.........lefty...out
Hey Lefty!
Glad to read your ranting and raving. Kinda like me when I was a lot younger than I am now. I'm 78 now, be 79 next jan. But anyhow; how come you never mentioned the kids in Indianapolis givng Trump the finger and yelling those cheerful 4 letter words at his motorcade? Wonder what kind of parents they have? And how about the riots in CA? What happened to "free speech"? Here in Colorado Springs, where I'm at, the city council has decided that homeless and pan-handlers can no longer sit or linger on our downtown sidewalks. So what happens? Protest time. The elite homeless and pan-handlers feel they have a "right" to sit and beg wherever they want to. Can you dig it? I can't. Fortunately we don't go downtown that often.
I hesitated to post this one....mostly because it sounds like I'm just repeating tired old news......but it needs saying anyway...
.....2 days...just 2 freaking days after this last post another child here in Tennessee...2 years old for cryin' out loud....shot him/herself with a gun left around the house....what the hell is the matter with people?...what the hell is the matter with the law enforcement/legal system in this country?
.....and of course, this is just more justification for the gun banning people to holler and shout for more restrictions on gun ownership.....when in all actually cries out for more gun crime prosecution and stricter enforcement of existing laws.......lefty...out
You can cry all you want, you can rant as much as you please but one thing is always sure. Try as much as you like children will always find a way to get into trouble without any help. They can open "child proof" bottles, climb up to the highest heights and demolish even the most "indestructible" items.
Like guns, no matter how many laws are enacted, there will always be that individual who will find a way to obtain any weapon they desire to purchase. Short of totally making laws against owning a firearm they will always be available to whomever wants to purchase them.
Have you seriously considered why the second amendment is a part of our constitution? When the constitution was written our nation was under siege by the British. The militia was formed as a combative force against the "Red Coats". These combatants were also farmers who kept their weapons nearby for an emergency.
Hence the term "Minute Men".
To take away their weapons would limit their ability to defend themselves. Thus the second amendment was sorely needed.
You may know this already but a reminder once in a while doesn't hurt. If I'm wrong correct me. I may not be right but it is history as I was taught.
By the way, I am not a history major.