...here's a couple of news stories that got me riled up to start my day....
....first....a story about how the Air Force has to salvage parts from museum planes for the B-2(?) bombers that are targeting terrorists....mostly because these planes are getting old and the parts are no longer being manufactured........this, by itself, is a disturbing development...
....and that was followed by an announcement that the White House...the president for cryin' out loud....is occupied with matters pertaining to the bathroom rights in schools of transgender kids....or wannabe transgender kids...or whatever they are......can you believe this bullcrap?....his nibs is threatening various states about losing funding for schools if they don't fall in line with the liberal agenda....
.......makes sense to me....ignore the problems in the military...but make sure little johnny gets to pee in the bathroom of his choice....what a country we live in today folks.....
.....we can pretty much thank the current liberal...or progressive as they like to call themselves...ignoramuses in government for this crap....and there will be much more to follow if Hilary gets elected....count on it folks.......lefty<---apologizing for the political rant.