Interesting news this morning about the Bowe Bergdahl desertion know, the soldier who walked away from his post...deserted his post in a time of Afghanistan and was held captive by the seems the court martial is being postponed until sometime after the next president takes office....apparently over concerns that the present administration...Obama...has attempted to influence the trial and treatment of Bergdahl...citing concerns over the stress he was under and practically calling this guy a hero........say what now? gotta be kidding me here....under stress?...anyone in the military in a war zone is under stress fer cryin' out loud......he's lucky if all he gets is a few years in lockup...we used to put deserters before a firing our own time if memory serves.....but then again, we had leaders in this country....unlike today......lefty<---who's got more ranting stored up for later....keep your powder dry.
Gotta agree with you Lefty. When I enlisted in 1958 desertion was fully frowned upon. But that was then. PC has crept in and drastically changed most everything about the way we live our lives.These days anything is alibied as being normal under the most stressful conditions. No longer are we a product of our families but of our surroundings.
The old saying,"if it feels good, do it" comes to mind. And so it goes, on and on. There's not much we can do about it but it isn't right. Just like so much that goes on today.