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war movies

Sitting here watching an old (1953) military movie. I don't know how many feel the same as I do but watching "celebrities" act as strong military personnel is an affront to we who actually did serve in the military, regardless of what branch we served in.
I dislike celebrities "acting" as heroes when not to many actually were in any branch of the military. There were many who did serve and some were real heroes. Lee Marvin comes to mind, Audie Murphy was another, David Huddleston and many more.
It may be silly of me but I just don't like Hollywood actors trying to be something that they actually know nothing about. Tom Cruise as "Top Gun"?
Maybe I'm just being narrow minded, I don't think so. But that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. It's been almost 60 years ago when I first enlisted. The military was different then.