and another thing....I've ranted about this one before... about unable to defend ourselves.....while on a recent trip with my wife...we stopped on the road at a McD's for a coffee and a breakfast sandwich(in your ao Sgt. Don)...and as I stood waiting for our order I happened to notice...and count...the employees behind the counter...and in the kitchen...and at the drive-thru window area....16 people in all....and all but two....were obese...I ain't kidding you can't make this stuff up....these folks were not just overweight or fat....but super obese.....waddling around behind the counter they could not easily get around each other to do their was comical to watch....if of course, it were not such a sad reflection on the state of our society today....
...I actually see quite alot of obese wife and I flea-market in our retirement and I see hundreds...sometimes thousands...of people weekly....and the numbers of humongous people is staggering...dangerously obese people....whole families of them sometimes...people who can hardly walk...people who can barely function at a normal level...people whose lives are affected in every way.....people with severe medical problems and whose lives are shortened...people who cannot work...or work a full lifetime without assistance of one kind or another from the government....and certainly people who will never be able to defend this country........lefty...out
Re: and another thing....I've ranted about this one before...
Hey Lefty! Gotta admit it, you're right. But let's not forget the beefy police officers who might have to try and run down a perp on foot. I'm sure none of them would make it past the first Dunkin' Donuts or taco stand. I thought most police departments had certain criteria each patrol man/woman had to meet. Unless they have reset their standards in order to hire more personnel. Like you it bothers me when I see these heavy weights "sliding" in and out of their cars. Oh well, I'm just a tad overweight myself so it's kinda like the pot calling the kettle black.
Nuff said.
Yes, we've been doing it to ourselves for many moons.
The thing most folks are unaware of is the fact that many of the "thugs" are professionals who are paid to do what they do. The media occasionally mentions the fact that they are bused in from other areas but they don't mention the paychecks or where the money comes from. Sad to say but the media is the primary reason that most Americans have what could prove to be terminal cases of "head where the sun don't shine".