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Welcome to was started over 10 years ago by US Navy and Vietnam Veteran Murry Broach.In his Memory this site is lovingly dedicated.  


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Quick In & Out! (Get Your Minds Outa The Gutter)

Just a quick in & out to say "Hey!" to any of the "old-timers" that might remain from the long ago old days. 15+ years ago! Hard to believe! Many fond & not so fond memories but --- Hey! That's life & death & stuff happens, etc.

Do hope all are prepared for what's coming. If you don't know what I'm talking about --- you're not prepared.

Take care! Keep smilin' & I'll do the same.

Re: Quick In & Out! (Get Your Minds Outa The Gutter)

Sacre-Blew, Comrad. Where you been?? Looooong time no see.
Hope you doing ok.
And yep I been ready as well.(Bug-Out)
Yep I remember you many-many moons ago.
There are others MIA like 7.62.
Soon I'll be traveling true your State to visit some friends in
Winsconsin (SP) and Minesota. They are a few clicks north of you.
Blessed Be,bud.

As Eagle wrote, "Long time no see"! Hope all is well. T G C!___Eom.
